A coroutine is a task given form the main thread, similar to a routine, that can be in concurrent execution with other tasks of the same program though other routines. A worker takes the task and runs it, concurrently. Each task in a program can be assigned to one or multiple workers.
Three characteristics of coroutine distinguish them from normal routines:
- First, a task may be implicitly started, whereas a routine must be explicitly called.
- Second, when a program unit invokes a task, in some cases it need not wait for the task to complete its execution before continuing its own.
- Third, when the execution of a task is completed, control may or may not return to the unit that started that execution.
- Fourth and most importantly, the execution of the routine is entirely independent from main thread.
In fol to assign a task to a worker, we use the symbols [>]
FOL provides asynchronous channels for communication between threads. Channels allow a unidirectional flow of information between two end-points: the Transmitter and the Receiver. It creates a new asynchronous channel, returning the tx/tx halves. All data sent on the Tx (transmitter) will become available on the Rx (receiver) in the same order as it was sent. The data is sent in a sequence of a specifies type seq[type]
. tx
will not block the calling thread while rx
will block until a message is available.
pro main(): int = {
var channel: chn[str];
for (0 ... 4) {
[>]doItFast() | channel[tx] // sending the output of four routines to a channel transmitter
// each transmitter at the end sends the close signal
var fromCh1 = channel[rx][0] // reciveing data from one transmitter, `0`
fun doItFast(i: int; found: bol): str = {
return "hello"
If we want to use the channel within the function, we have to clone the channel's tx and capture with an ananymus routine: Once the channels transmitter goes out of scope, it gets disconnected too.
pro main(): int = {
var channel: chn[str]; // a channel with four buffer transmitters
var sequence: seq[str];
for (0 ... 4) {
[>]fun()[channel[tx]] = { // capturin gthe pipe tx from four coroutines
for(0 ... 4){
"hello" | channel[tx] // the result are sent fom withing the funciton eight times
} // when out of scope a signal to close the `tx` is sent
select(channel as c){
sequence.push(channel[rx][c]) // select statement will check for errors and check which routine is sending data
Locks - Mutex
Mutex is a locking mechanism that makes sure only one task can acquire the mutexed varaible at a time and enter the critical section. This task only releases the mutex when it exits the critical section. It is a mutual exclusion object that synchronizes access to a resource.
In FOL mutexes can be passed only through a routine. When declaring a routine, instead of using the borrow form with ( // borrowing variable )
, we use double brackets (( // mutex ))
. When we expect a mutex, then that variable, in turn has two method more:
- the
which unwraps the variable from mutex and locks it for writing and - the
which releases the lock and makes the file avaliable to other tasks
fun loadMesh(path: str, ((meshes)): vec[mesh]) = { // declaring a *mutex and *atomic reference counter with double "(( //declaration ))"
var aMesh: mesh = mesh.loadMesh(path)
meshes.push(aMesh) // there is no need to unlock(), FOL automatically drops at the end of funciton
// if the function is longer, then we can unlock to not keep other tasks waiting
pro main(): int = {
~var meshPath: vec[str];
~var meshes: vec[mesh];
var aFile = file.readfile(filepath) || .panic("cant open the file")
each( line in aFile.line() ) { meshPath.push(line) };
for(m in meshPath) { [>]loadMesh(m, meshes) };