
Fol has many build-in functions and macros offered by compiler, and you access them by . (with space/newline/bracket before):

var contPoint: ptr[int] = 10;			// make a pointer and asign the memory to value of 10
.print(.pointer_value(contPoint));		// print the dereferenced value of pointer

{{% placeholder %}}

.echo() - print on screen .not() - negate .cast() - type casting .as() - type casting

.eq() - check for equality .nq() - check for inequality .gt() - greater than .lt() - less than .ge() - greater or equal .le() - less or equal

.de_alloc() - drop variable from scope .give_back() - return ownership

.size_of() - variable type size .addres_of() - pointer address .pointer_value() - value of the pointer

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