
Each file in a folder (with extension .fol) is part of a package. There is no need for imports or other things at the top of the file. They share the same scope, and each declaration is order independent for all files.


A namespace can be defined in a subfolder of the main foler. And they can be nested.

To acces the namespace there are two ways:

  • direct import with use
  • or code access with ::

Direct import

use aNS: loc = { "home/folder/printing/logg" }

pro[] main: int = {

Code access

use aNS: loc = { "home/folder/printing" }

pro[] main: int = {


Block statement is used for scopes where members get destroyed when scope is finished. And there are two ways to define a block:

  • unnamed blocks and
  • named blocks

Unnamed blocks

Are simply scopes, that may or may not return value, and are represented as: { //block }, with . before the brackets for return types and _ for non return types:

pro[] main: int = {
        .echo("simple type block")
    .echo(.{ return "return type block" })

Named blocks

Blocks can be used as labels too, when we want to unconditionally jump to a specific part of the code.

pro[] main: int = {
    def block: blk[] = {            // $block A named block that can be referenced
        // implementation
    def mark: blk[]                 // $mark A named block that can be referenced, usually for "jump" statements